Harvest Artists, based in Somaliland, has the capacity of reaching out to more than 80.000 beneficiaries whose livelihood depends directly on the agriculture sector

We take pride in our role, not only as a service provider but as empowerment to enable small-scale farmers to increase their crop yield and therefore their income, by implementing a holistic medium-term program to deliver quick and ease the acute scarcity of skilled personnel for agriculture development. We focus on empowerment because we believe in amplifying the voices and choices of local inhabitants to develop a self-sustaining development.
We see farmers as a pivotal leverage point to ease acute famine. When farmers become more productive; they earn more income, climb out of poverty, feed their communities and they reduce environmental land pressure. This is particularly true for Sub-Sharan Africa. Where crop yield is far underneath western standards.

Societal Impact
Our societal impact is the long-term difference our organization makes to the people and places we work in and with. The social impact is at our core. It is therefore our driving force to create a better and fairer world for smallholder farmers and the ecosystem in which they live.

Our key goals